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Area: Clinical Analysis Suite BD FACSVerse
Compliance Documents related to using this facility:
Platform Name: Flow Cytometer
Model/Type: BD FACSVerse
Description: The BD FACSVerse flow cytometry system acquires and analyzes particles or cells in a liquid suspension. Antibodies to specific cell proteins are labeled with a fluorescent dye and incubated with the cell suspension. The suspension flows through the cytometer and is interrogated by a laser which excites the fluorescent antibodies.
The fluorescence is captured and the resulting data is analyzed to reveal information about the cells. Multiple antibodies, each labeled with a different dye, can be used in a single tube to simultaneously identify different cell populations.
The cytometer is configure with 3 lasers; blue (488 nm), red (640 nm), violet (405 nm)
Location: PC 02.229
Disclaimer Please note that there are restrictions on the use of the PERFORM Centre's equipment. As such, some items may not be removed from our facilities. For details, please contact the Platform Supervisor.

Default Rates:
Concordia Internal Rate: $45.00 /hour *
Academic Rate (External): $90.00 /hour *
Public Sector / Not-for-Profit: $90.00 /hour *
Private Sector / Industry: Contact Us
  * Note: Booking rates do not include the cost of consumables used, or the hiring of technicians/specialists to operate equipment if applicable.


Days of week: SuMTWThFSa
Weekday hrs: 00:00 - 24:00
Weekend hrs: 00:00 - 24:00


Frank Li

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Flow Cytometer BD FACSVerse

BookR developed by Sriram Narayanan
for the Concordia University School of Health
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