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Area: Clinical Analysis Suite XL-1000
Compliance Documents related to using this facility:
Platform Name: SpectroLinker
Model/Type: XL-1000
Description: The Spectrolinker XL-1000 UV Crosslinker was made for applications including eliminating PCR contamination, cross-linking DNA and RNA, nicking ethidium-bromide stained DNA, gene mapping, Rec A mutation screening and testing, UV sterilization, UV-induced polymerization, and UV intensity monitoring. It comes with a smart microprocessor controller and true UV monitoring circuitry which allow for results to be released faster and error free. The UV-monitoring assures set dosage is delivered protecting important test results from washout damage. The system increases the visibility of samples on autoradiograms, which can help provide better analysis.
Location: PC 02.236
Disclaimer Please note that there are restrictions on the use of the PERFORM Centre's equipment. As such, some items may not be removed from our facilities. For details, please contact the Platform Supervisor.
Concordia Academic Rate (Internal): FREE *


Days of week: SuMTWThFSa
Weekday hrs: 00:00 - 24:00
Weekend hrs: 00:00 - 24:00


Frank Li

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