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Feeling safe: a critical look at the effect of neighborhood safety features and perceptions on childhood symptoms of depression

Author(s): Infantino E; Barnett TA; Côté-Lussier C; Van Hulst A; Henderson M; Mathieu ME; Sabiston C; Kakinami L;

Background: Physical characteristics and perceptions of an environment can have enduring effects on one's mental health. The present study aimed to determine whether a set of measures of neighborhood safety - independent built environment features, parents' perception of neighborhood safe ...

Article GUID: 39604905

The Immediate Effect of a Single Treatment of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation with the StimaWELL 120MTRS System on Multifidus Stiffness in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain

Author(s): Wolfe D; Dover G; Boily M; Fortin M;

Background/objectives: Individuals with chronic low back pain (CLBP) have altered lumbar multifidus stiffness properties compared to healthy controls. Although neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) application to the multifidus might affect stiffness, this has never been investigated. The aims of this study were to examine the effect of a single NME ...

Article GUID: 39594260

Infants' Social Evaluation of Helpers and Hinderers: A Large-Scale, Multi-Lab, Coordinated Replication Study

Author(s): Lucca K; Yuen F; Wang Y; Alessandroni N; Allison O; Alvarez M; Axelsson EL; Baumer J; Baumgartner HA; Bertels J; Bhavsar M; Byers-Heinlein K; Capelier-Mourguy A; Chijiiwa H; Chin CS; Christner N; Cirelli LK; Corbit J; Daum MM; Doan T; Dr ...

Evaluating whether someone's behavior is praiseworthy or blameworthy is a fundamental human trait. A seminal study by Hamlin and colleagues in 2007 suggested that the ability to form social evaluations based on third-party interactions emerges within the first year of life: infants preferred ...

Article GUID: 39600132

Research Trends in the Development of Block Copolymer-Based Biosensing Platforms

Author(s): Chung YH; Oh JK;

Biosensing technology, which aims to measure and control the signals of biological substances, has recently been developed rapidly due to increasing concerns about health and the environment. Top-down technologies have been used mainly with a focus on reducing the size of biomaterials to the nano-level. However, bottom-up technologies such as self-assembl ...

Article GUID: 39590001

MuscleMap: An Open-Source, Community-Supported Consortium for Whole-Body Quantitative MRI of Muscle

Author(s): McKay MJ; Weber KA; Wesselink EO; Smith ZA; Abbott R; Anderson DB; Ashton-James CE; Atyeo J; Beach AJ; Burns J; Clarke S; Collins NJ; Coppieters MW; Cornwall J; Crawford RJ; De Martino E; Dunn AG; Eyles JP; Feng HJ; Fortin M; Franettovic ...

Disorders affecting the neurological and musculoskeletal systems represent international health priorities. A significant impediment to progress in trials of new therapies is the absence of responsive, objective, and valid outcome measures sensitive to early disease changes. A key finding in indi ...

Article GUID: 39590726

Auditory processing up to cortex is maintained during sleep spindles

Author(s): Jourde HR; Coffey EBJ;

Sleep spindles are transient 11-16 Hz brain oscillations generated by thalamocortical circuits. Their role in memory consolidation is well established, but how they play a role in sleep continuity and protection of memory consolidation against interference is unclear. One theory posits that spindles or a neural refractory period following their offset act ...

Article GUID: 39588317

Temporal Variability in Effective Size ( [Formula] ) Identifies Potential Sources of Discrepancies Between Mark Recapture and Close Kin Mark Recapture Estimates of Population Abundance

Author(s): Ruzzante DE; McCracken GR; Fraser DJ; MacMillan J; Buhariwalla C; Flemming JM;

Although efforts to estimate effective population size, census size and their ratio in wild populations are expanding, few empirical studies investigate interannual changes in these parameters. Hence, we do not know how repeatable or representative many estimates may be. Answering this question requires studies of long-term population dynamics. Here we to ...

Article GUID: 39582254

Ce-doped MnOx mixed with polyvinylidene fluoride as an amplified ozone decomposition filter medium in humid conditions

Author(s): Namdari M; Haghighat F; Lee CS;

Ozone is a hazardous air pollutant with significant adverse effects on human health and the environment. With the growing industrial use of ozone, effective ozone removal systems have become essential, especially to protect workers' health. MnOx-based catalysts offer substantial promise for ozone decomposition; however, a major challenge in their appl ...

Article GUID: 39579188

Like mother like child: Differential impact of mothers' and fathers' individual language use on bilingual language exposure

Author(s): Sander-Montant A; Bissonnette R; Byers-Heinlein K;

Language exposure is an important determiner of language outcomes in bilingual children. Family language strategies (FLS, e.g., one-parent-one-language) were contrasted with parents' individual language use to predict language exposure in 4-31-month-old children (50% female) living in Montreal, Quebec. Two-hundred twenty one children (primarily Europe ...

Article GUID: 39575856

Vulnerability of Arctic Ocean microbial eukaryotes to sea ice loss

Author(s): Jackson VLN; Grevesse T; Kilias ES; Onda DFL; Young KF; Allen MJ; Walsh DA; Lovejoy C; Monier A;

The Arctic Ocean (AO) is changing at an unprecedented rate, with ongoing sea ice loss, warming and freshening impacting the extent and duration of primary productivity over summer months. Surface microbial eukaryotes are vulnerable to such changes, but basic knowledge of the spatial variability o ...

Article GUID: 39572565

Assessment of risk for aromatic hydrocarbons resulting from subsea Blowouts: A case study in eastern Canada

Author(s): Yang Z; Chen Z; Xin Q; Lee K;

There is increasing concern over the environmental risks associated with deepwater petroleum exploration activities. The integration of environmental risk assessment and oil spill modeling can help to understand and quantitatively characterize the potential risks from subsea blowouts in specific regions. This study integrates a novel deepwater oil spill m ...

Article GUID: 39571296

Ion channel classification through machine learning and protein language model embeddings

Author(s): Ghazikhani H; Butler G;

Ion channels are critical membrane proteins that regulate ion flux across cellular membranes, influencing numerous biological functions. The resource-intensive nature of traditional wet lab experiments for ion channel identification has led to an increasing emphasis on computational techniques. This study extends our previous work on protein language mode ...

Article GUID: 39572876

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