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Chromosome-level genome assembly of a doubled haploid brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)

Author(s): Lecomte L; Ferchaud AL; Normandeau E; Mérot C; Langlois-Parisé I; Therrien JC; Bérubé P; Djambazian H; Nawarathna PM; Ragoussis J; Fraser D;

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is a socioeconomically important fish species for fisheries, aquaculture and aquatic conservation. We produced a 2.5 Gb reference assembly by combining Hi-C chromosome conformation capture with high-coverage short- and long-read sequencing of a fully homozygous ...

Article GUID: 40130537

The Awakening Brain is Characterized by a Widespread and Spatiotemporally Heterogeneous Increase in High Frequencies

Author(s): Avigdor T; Ren G; Abdallah C; Dubeau F; Grova C; Frauscher B;

Morning awakening is part of everyday life. Surprisingly, information remains scarce on its underlying neurophysiological correlates. Here simultaneous polysomnography and stereo-electroencephalography recordings from 18 patients are used to assess the spectral and connectivity content of the process of awakening at a local level 15 min before and after t ...

Article GUID: 40126936

Detrimental Effects of Space Flight on the Lumbar Spine May Be Correlated to Baseline Degeneration: Insights From an Advanced MR Imaging Study

Author(s): Bokhari R; Bisson DG; Fortin M; Vigouroux M; Cata JP; Hwang KP; Chen MM; Ceniza-Bordallo G; Ouellet JA; Ingelmo PM;

Introduction: Pain in lower back is a common condition reported by astronauts, both during and after space missions. Investigating the alterations in the spine and the mechanisms driving these changes is essential for a deeper understanding of how microgravity impacts the human spine. This knowle ...

Article GUID: 40124538

Unveiling the Microscopic Origin of Ion Transference Numbers in Molten Salt Systems: A Kinetic Theory Approach to an Accurate "Golden Rule"

Author(s): Aïmen E Gheribi

In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in accurately quantifying the ion's transference number within molten salts. Surprisingly, despite efforts to address the severe lack of experimental data, there is still no reliable theoretical framework that establishes a clear link between the transference number and simulated phase trajectories th ...

Article GUID: 40124059

Membranous translation platforms in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Author(s): Sun Y; Bakhtiari S; Valente-Paterno M; Jiang H; Zerges W;

A small genome in chloroplasts encodes many of the polypeptide subunits of the photosynthetic electron transport complexes embedded in the membranes of thylakoid vesicles in the chloroplast stroma and synthesized by ribosomes of the bacterial-like genetic system of this semiautonomous organelle. While thylakoid membranes are sites of translation, evidence ...

Article GUID: 40116843

Shared Dispersal Patterns but Contrasting Levels of Gene Flow in Two Anadromous Salmonids Along a Broad Subarctic Coastal Gradient

Author(s): Bouchard R; Babin C; Normandeau E; Xuereb A; Boulanger F; Coxon A; Diamond S; Fireman R; Lameboy J; Louttit N; Natawapineskum G; Okimaw D; Torio D; Varty S; Moore JS; Fraser D; Bernatchez L;

Dispersal is a highly variable trait influenced by life history and ecological factors, affecting gene flow when dispersers successfully reproduce. Anadromous salmonids, with their diverse migratory strategies and ecological traits, serve as an ideal model for studying dispersal evolution, showca ...

Article GUID: 40108992

CACTUS: An open dataset and framework for automated Cardiac Assessment and Classification of Ultrasound images using deep transfer learning

Author(s): Elmekki H; Alagha A; Sami H; Spilkin A; Zanuttini AM; Zakeri E; Bentahar J; Kadem L; Xie WF; Pibarot P; Mizouni R; Otrok H; Singh S; Mourad A;

Cardiac ultrasound (US) scanning is one of the most commonly used techniques in cardiology to diagnose the health of the heart and its proper functioning. During a typical US scan, medical professionals take several images of the heart to be classified based on the cardiac views they contain, wit ...

Article GUID: 40107020

Correlations of pilot trainees brainwave dynamics with subjective performance evaluations: insights from EEG microstate analysis

Author(s): Zhao M; Law A; Su C; Jennings S; Bourgon A; Jia W; Larose MH; Bowness D; Zeng Y;

Objective: This study aims to investigate the relationship between the subjective performance evaluations on pilot trainees' aircraft control abilities and their brainwave dynamics reflected in the results from EEG microstate analysis. Specifically, we seek to identify correlations between distinct microstate patterns and each dimension included in th ...

Article GUID: 40109507

Strategies to Reduce Uncertainties from the Best Available Physicochemical Parameters Used for Modeling Novel Organophosphate Esters across Multimedia Environments

Author(s): Xing C; Ge J; Chen R; Li S; Wang C; Zhang X; Geng Y; Jones KC; Zhu Y;

Organophosphate esters (OPEs) raise growing environmental and human health concerns globally. However, numerous novel OPEs lack data on physicochemical properties, which are essential for assessing environmental fate, exposure, and risks. This study predicted water solubility (Sw), vapor pressure (Vp), octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow), and octano ...

Article GUID: 40105294

Utilizing large language models for detecting hospital-acquired conditions: an empirical study on pulmonary embolism

Author(s): Cheligeer C; Southern DA; Yan J; Wu G; Pan J; Lee S; Martin EA; Jafarpour H; Eastwood CA; Zeng Y; Quan H;

Objectives: Adverse event detection from Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) is challenging due to the low incidence of the event, variability in clinical documentation, and the complexity of data formats. Pulmonary embolism as an adverse event (PEAE) is particularly difficult to identify using exi ...

Article GUID: 40105654

The GAP Schema: A Critical Examination of Gentrification-Induced Displacement in Later Life

Author(s): Van Vleet S; de Medeiros K;

Aging in place is an important environmental consideration in gerontology from the standpoint of research and aging individuals. While the majority of aging adults in the U.S. prefer aging in place to relocating to different environments (e.g., retirement communities, cohabitation with adult children), many barriers prevent this outcome. For example, for ...

Article GUID: 40096538

Agriculture s impact on water-energy balance varies across climates

Author(s): Zaerpour M; Hatami S; Ballarin AS; Papalexiou SM; Pietroniro A; Nazemi A;

Agriculture is a cornerstone of global food production, accounting for a substantial portion of water withdrawals worldwide. As the world's population grows, so does the demand for water in agriculture, leading to alterations in regional water-energy balances. We present an approach to identify the influence of agriculture on the water-energy balance ...

Article GUID: 40096605

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