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Area: Clinical Analysis Suite Bio-Rad ChemiDoc XRS+
Compliance Documents related to using this facility:
Platform Name: Gel Imager
Model/Type: Bio-Rad ChemiDoc XRS+
Description: The ChemiDoc XRS+ system is based on CCD high-resolution, high-sensitivity detection technology and modular options to accommodate a wide range of samples and support multiple detection methods including fluorescence, colorimetry, densitometry, chemiluminescence, and chemifluorescence. The system is controlled by Image Lab software to optimize imager performance for fast, integrated, and automated image capture and analysis of various samples.
The system accommodates a wide array of samples, from large handcast polyacrylamide gels to small ReadyAgarose gels and various blots. The system is an ideal accompaniment to PCR, purification, and electrophoresis systems, enabling image analysis and documentation of restriction digests, amplified nucleic acids, genetic fingerprinting, RFLPs, and protein purification and characterization.
Location: PC 02.236
Disclaimer Please note that there are restrictions on the use of the PERFORM Centre's equipment. As such, some items may not be removed from our facilities. For details, please contact the Platform Supervisor.
Concordia Academic Rate (Internal): FREE *


Days of week: SuMTWThFSa
Weekday hrs: 00:00 - 24:00
Weekend hrs: 00:00 - 24:00


Frank Li

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for the Concordia University School of Health
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