Author(s): Samlali K; Thornbury M; Venter A;
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing is cheaper and more accessible than ever before. What is generally hidden from the consumer is the intention to combine, reuse, and resell this genetic information as powerful datasets. This financial gain is creating a competitive DTC market, reducing the price of whole genome sequencing (WGS) down to USD 299. Ent ...
Article GUID: 35939839
Author(s): Brookes B; Jeon HB; Derry AM; Post JR; Rogers SM; Humphries S; Fraser DJ;
Understanding the drivers of successful species invasions is important for conserving native biodiversity and for mitigating the economic impacts of introduced species. However, whole-genome resolution investigations of the underlying contributions of neutral and adaptive genetic variation in successful introductions are rare. Increased propagule pressure ...
Article GUID: 35154655
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