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Structural brain network topological alterations in stuttering adults

Author(s): Gracco VL; Sares AG; Koirala N;

Persistent developmental stuttering is a speech disorder that primarily affects normal speech fluency but encompasses a complex set of symptoms ranging from reduced sensorimotor integration to socioemotional challenges. Here, we investigated the whole-brain structural connectome and its topological alterations in adults who stutter. Diffusion-weighted ima ...

Article GUID: 35368614

White matter correlates of sensorimotor synchronization in persistent developmental stuttering

Author(s): Jossinger S; Sares A; Zislis A; Sury D; Gracco V; Ben-Shachar M;

Introduction: Individuals with persistent developmental stuttering display deficits in aligning motor actions to external cues (i.e., sensorimotor synchronization). Diffusion imaging studies point to stuttering-associated differences in dorsal, not ventral, white matter pathways, and in the cerebellar peduncles. Here, we studied microstructural white matt ...

Article GUID: 34856426

Neural Correlates of Vocal Pitch Compensation in Individuals Who Stutter.

Author(s): Sares AG, Deroche MLD, Ohashi H, Shiller DM, Gracco VL

Front Hum Neurosci. 2020;14:18 Authors: Sares AG, Deroche MLD, Ohashi H, Shiller DM, Gracco VL

Article GUID: 32161525

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