Author(s): McGreevy TJ; Michaelides S; Djan M; Sullivan M; Beltrán DM; Buffum B; Husband T;
The environment plays an important role in the movement of individuals and their associated genes among populations, which facilitates gene flow. Gene flow can help maintain the genetic diversity both within and between populations and counter the negative impact of genetic drift, which can decrease the fitness of individuals. Sympatric species can have d ...
Article GUID: 34659333
Author(s): Fournier B, Vázquez-Rivera H, Clappe S, Donelle L, Braga PHP, Peres-Neto PR
Ecol Lett. 2019 Nov 21;: Authors: Fournier B, Vázquez-Rivera H, Clappe S, Donelle L, Braga PHP, Peres-Neto PR
Article GUID: 31749270
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