Author(s): Gouin JP; Pournajafi-Nazarloo H; Carter CS;
Prior studies have reported associations between plasma oxytocin and vasopressin and markers of social functioning. However, because most human studies have used cross-sectional designs, it is unclear whether plasma oxytocin and vasopressin influences social functioning or whether social functioning modulates the production and peripheral release of these ...
Article GUID: 25446216
Author(s): Meaghan A Barlow
INTRODUCTION: This study examined the role of goal adjustment capacities and coping in the association between spousal sleep efficiency and relationship satisfaction in romantic couples.
Article GUID: 38566936
Author(s): Holding A, Barlow M, Koestner R, Wrosch C
J Pers. 2019 Aug 16;: Authors: Holding A, Barlow M, Koestner R, Wrosch C
Article GUID: 31420868
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