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Local residents' attitudes toward and contact with international students: a perspective from Montreal, Quebec

Author(s): Tekin O; Trofimovich P;

As migrants holding temporary, foreign-resident status in their host communities, international students often experience prejudice and have little meaningful contact with locals. To date, a comprehensive account of international students' experience is lacking, and existing conceptualizations exclude linguistic threat as a potential source of increas ...

Article GUID: 39606194

Separating binge-eating disorder stigma and weight stigma: A vignette study.

Author(s): Hollett KB, Carter JC

OBJECTIVE: Vignette research on binge-eating disorder (BED) stigma is limited and lacking methodological rigor. Existing studies lack control vignettes and typically present characters with overweight or obesity, introducing the confound of weight stigma. This study examined BED stigma while addressing these limitations. METHOD: Participants (N = 421) wer ...

Article GUID: 33480447

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