Author(s): Choi M; Jazani AM; Oh JK; Noh SM;
Nitric oxide (NO) plays a critical role as an important signaling molecule for a variety of biological functions, particularly inhibiting cell proliferation or killing target pathogens. To deliver active radical NO gaseous molecule whose half-life is a few seconds in a stable state, the design and development of effective exogenous NO supply nanocarriers ...
Article GUID: 35683912
Author(s): Helfield BL, Yoo K, Liu J, Williams R, Sheeran PS, Goertz DE, Burns PN
Ultrasound Med Biol. 2020 Jul 27;: Authors: Helfield BL, Yoo K, Liu J, Williams R, Sheeran PS, Goertz DE, Burns PN
Article GUID: 32732167
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