Author(s): Charoughchi S; Liu JT; Berteau-Rainville M; Hase H; Askari MS; Bhagat S; Forgione P; Salzmann I;
Molecular p-dopants designed to undergo electron transfer with organic semiconductors are typically planar molecules with high electron affinity. However, their planarity can promote the formation of ground-state charge transfer complexes with the semiconductor host and results in fractional inst ...
Article GUID: 37220083
Author(s): Liu JT; Hase H; Taylor S; Salzmann I; Forgione P;
A library of symmetrical linear oligothiophene was prepared employing decarboxylative cross-coupling reaction as the key transformation. Thiophene potassium carboxylate salts were used as cross-coupling partners without the need of co-catalyst, base, or additives. This method demonstrates complete chemoselectivity and is a comprehensive greener approach c ...
Article GUID: 31961982
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