Author(s): Samartino S; Christie D; Penna A; Sicotte P; Ting N; Wikberg E;
The gut microbiota of group-living animals is strongly influenced by their social interactions, but it is unclear how it responds to social instability. We investigated whether social instability associated with the arrival of new males and challenges to the alpha male position could explain differences in the gut microbiota in adult female Colobus veller ...
Article GUID: 38735025
Author(s): Ben-Porat T; Alberga A; Audet MC; Belleville S; Cohen TR; Garneau PY; Lavoie KL; Marion P; Mellah S; Pescarus R; Rahme E; Santosa S; Studer AS; Vuckovic D; Woods R; Yousefi R; Bacon SL;
Background: Bariatric surgery leads to profound changes in gut microbiota and dietary patterns, both of which may interact to impact gut-brain communication. Though cognitive function improves postsurgery, there is a large variability in outcomes. How bariatric surgery-induced modifications in th ...
Article GUID: 37088645
Author(s): Cuesta S; Burdisso P; Segev A; Kourrich S; Sperandio V;
Gut-microbiota membership is associated with diverse neuropsychological outcomes, including substance use disorders (SUDs). Here, we use mice colonized with Citrobacter rodentium or the human ?-Proteobacteria commensal Escherichia coli HS as a model to examine the mechanistic interactions between gut microbes and host responses to cocaine. We find that co ...
Article GUID: 36323315
Author(s): Selber-Hnatiw S, Sultana T, Tse W, Abdollahi N, Abdullah S, Al Rahbani J, Alazar D, Alrumhein NJ, Aprikian S, Arshad R, Azuelos JD, Bernadotte D, Beswick N, Chazbey H, Church K, Ciubotaru E, D'Amato L, Del Corpo T, Deng J, Di Giulio ...
Metabolic networks of the human gut microbiota.
Microbiology. 2019 Dec 04;:
Authors: Selber-Hnatiw S, Sultana T, Tse W, Abdollahi N, Abdullah S, Al Rahbani J, Alazar D, Alrumhein NJ, Aprikian S, Arshad R, Azuelos JD, Bernadotte D, Beswick N, Chazbey H, Church K, Ciubotaru E, D ...
Article GUID: 31799915
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