Author(s): Dykstra CB; Pyne ME; Martin VJJ;
A fundamental challenge of metabolic engineering involves assembling and screening vast combinations of orthologous enzymes across a multistep biochemical pathway. Current pathway assembly workflows involve combining genetic parts ex vivo and assembling one pathway configuration per tube or well. Here, we present CRAPS, Chromosomal-Repair-Assisted Pathway ...
Article GUID: 37584634
Author(s): Pyne ME; Gold ND; Martin VJJ;
Sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) has been utilized as a food, medicine, and spiritual symbol for nearly 3000 years. The medicinal properties of lotus are largely attributed to its unique profile of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs), which includes potential anti-cancer, anti-malarial and anti-arrhythmic compounds. BIA biosynthesis in sacred lotus differs ...
Article GUID: 37004909
Author(s): Pyne ME, Narcross L, Melgar M, Kevvai K, Mookerjee S, Leite GB, Martin VJJ
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2018 Sep 01;84(17): Authors: Pyne ME, Narcross L, Melgar M, Kevvai K, Mookerjee S, Leite GB, Martin VJJ
Article GUID: 29934332
Author(s): Bourgeois L, Pyne ME, Martin VJJ
ACS Synth Biol. 2018 Nov 16;7(11):2675-2685 Authors: Bourgeois L, Pyne ME, Martin VJJ
Article GUID: 30372609
Author(s): Pyne ME, Narcross L, Fossati E, Bourgeois L, Burton E, Gold ND, Martin VJ
Methods Enzymol. 2016;575:195-224 Authors: Pyne ME, Narcross L, Fossati E, Bourgeois L, Burton E, Gold ND, Martin VJ
Article GUID: 27417930
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