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Sexual experience increases oxytocin, but not vasopressin, receptor densities in the medial preoptic area, ventromedial hypothalamus, and central amygdala of male rats

Author(s): Shann Ménard

Oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (VP) are considered to be principal neurochemical substrates of bonding in monogamous species. We have reported previously that conditioning of a sexual partner preference in male rats resulted in conditioned activation of OT and VP neurons in hypothalamic paraventricular and supraoptc nuclei. Here we asked whether such condi ...

Article GUID: 36041295

Differential disruption of conditioned ejaculatory preference in the male rat based on different sensory modalities by micro-infusions of naloxone to the medial preoptic area or ventral tegmental area.

Author(s): Quintana GR, Birrel M, Marceau S, Kalantari N, Bowden J, Bachoura Y, Borduas E, Lemay V, Payne JW, Cionnaith CM, Pfaus JG

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2019 Jul 29;: Authors: Quintana GR, Birrel M, Marceau S, Kalantari N, Bowden J, Bachoura Y, Borduas E, Lemay V, Payne JW, Cionnaith CM, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 31359118

Central ghrelin receptor stimulation modulates sex motivation in male rats in a site dependent manner.

Author(s): Hyland L, Rosenbaum S, Edwards A, Palacios D, Graham MD, Pfaus JG, Woodside B, Abizaid A

Horm Behav. 2018 01;97:56-66 Authors: Hyland L, Rosenbaum S, Edwards A, Palacios D, Graham MD, Pfaus JG, Woodside B, Abizaid A

Article GUID: 29080670

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