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Competition for food in 2 populations of a wild-caught fish.

Authors: Chuard PJCBrown GEGrant JWA


1 Research School of Biology, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia.
2 Department of Biology, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4B 1R6.


Competition for food in 2 populations of a wild-caught fish.

Curr Zool. 2018 Oct;64(5):615-622

Authors: Chuard PJC, Brown GE, Grant JWA


Aggressive behavior when competing for resources is expected to increase as the ratio of competitors-to-resource ratio (CRR) units increases. Females are expected to be more aggressive than males when competing for food when body size is more strongly related to reproductive success in females than in males, whereas aggression is predicted to decrease under high ambient predation risk by natural selection. Under the risk allocation model, however, individuals under high ambient predation risk are expected to be more aggressive, and forage more in the absence of imminent risk than their low risk counterparts. An interaction between adult sex ratio (i.e., adult males/females), ambient predation risk (high vs. low), and sex on intrasexual competition for mates in Trinidadian guppies Poecilia reticulata has been shown. The interaction suggested an increase in aggression rates as CRR increased, except for males from the high predation population. To compare the patterns of competition for food versus mates, we replicated this study by using food patches. We allowed 4 male or 4 female guppies from high and low predation populations to compete for 5, 3, or 1 food patches. The foraging rate was higher in a high rather than low ambient predation risk population. Surprisingly, CRR, sex, and population of origin had no effect on aggression rates. Despite other environmental differences between the 2 populations, the effect of ambient predation risk may be a likely explanation for differences in foraging rates. These results highlight the importance for individuals to secure food despite the cost of competition and predation.

PMID: 30323840 [PubMed]

Keywords: Poecilia reticulataaggressioncompetitor-to-resource ratioforagingpopulation differencespredation risksex



DOI: 10.1093/cz/zox078