Author(s): Ndiaye NA; Shamleh SA; Casale D; Castaneda-Ouellet S; Laplante I; Robinson MJF; Samaha AN;
Rationale: When people with drug addiction encounter cues associated with drug use, this can trigger cravings and relapse. These cues can include conditioned stimuli (CSs) signaling drug delivery and discriminative stimuli (DSs) signaling drug availability. Compared to CS effects, DS effects are ...
Article GUID: 38767684
Author(s): Cuesta S; Burdisso P; Segev A; Kourrich S; Sperandio V;
Gut-microbiota membership is associated with diverse neuropsychological outcomes, including substance use disorders (SUDs). Here, we use mice colonized with Citrobacter rodentium or the human ?-Proteobacteria commensal Escherichia coli HS as a model to examine the mechanistic interactions between gut microbes and host responses to cocaine. We find that co ...
Article GUID: 36323315
Author(s): Marco Leyton
No abstract
Article GUID: 35398453
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