Author(s): Al-Qudah R; Khamayseh Y; Aldwairi M; Khan S;
The need for a smart city is more pressing today due to the recent pandemic, lockouts, climate changes, population growth, and limitations on availability/access to natural resources. However, these challenges can be better faced with the utilization of new technologies. The zoning design of smart cities can mitigate these challenges. It identifies the ma ...
Article GUID: 35746171
Author(s): Grimwood A, Rivaz H, Zhou H, McNair HA, Yakubowski K, Bamber JC, Tree AC, Harris EJ
Radiother Oncol. 2020 May 06;: Authors: Grimwood A, Rivaz H, Zhou H, McNair HA, Yakubowski K, Bamber JC, Tree AC, Harris EJ
Article GUID: 32387546
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