Author(s): Asaadi M; Mawad W; Djebbari A; Keshavardz-Motamed Z; Dahdah N; Kadem L;
The optimal timing for management of pediatric patients with moderate aortic valve disease [moderate aortic stenosis (modAS) or moderate aortic regurgitation (modAR)] remains unknown and largely unexplored. Although usually asymptomatic, the risk of increased left ventricular (LV) wall stress, irreversible myocardial fibrosis and sudden death in untreated ...
Article GUID: 34357415
Author(s): Di Labbio G, Ben-Assa E, Kadem L
J Biomech Eng. 2019 Nov 01;: Authors: Di Labbio G, Ben-Assa E, Kadem L
Article GUID: 31701119
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