Author(s): Lahmiri S; Bekiros S;
The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected world economies. In this regard, it is expected that information level and sharing between equity, digital currency, and energy markets has been altered due to the pandemic outbreak. Specifically, the resulting twisted risk among markets is presumed to rise during the abnormal state of world economy. The purpos ...
Article GUID: 32834621
Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N, Assadi A, Li K, Mirgholami M, Rivard ME, Benali H, Sawchuk K, De Schutter B
JMIR Ment Health. 2020 Mar 26;7(3):e12388 Authors: Khalili-Mahani N, Assadi A, Li K, Mirgholami M, Rivard ME, Benali H, Sawchuk K, De Schutter B
Article GUID: 32213474
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