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Testing the predictions of reinforcement: long-term empirical data from a damselfly mottled hybrid zone

Author(s): Arce-Valdés LR; Ballén-Guapacha AV; Rivas-Torres A; Chávez-Ríos JR; Wellenreuther M; Hansson B; Guillén RAS;

Theoretical work suggests that reinforcement can cause the strengthening of prezygotic isolation in sympatry by mitigating the costs of maladaptive hybridization. However, only a handful of studies have simultaneously tested multiple predictions of this theory in natural populations. We investiga ...

Article GUID: 39325673

Pushed to the edge: Spatial sorting can slow down invasions

Author(s): Shaw AK; Lutscher F; Popovic L;

Our ability to understand population spread dynamics is complicated by rapid evolution, which renders simple ecological models insufficient. If dispersal ability evolves, more highly dispersive individuals may arrive at the population edge than less dispersive individuals (spatial sorting), accelerating spread. If individuals at the low-density population ...

Article GUID: 37198882

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