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Sediment Metagenomes as Time Capsules of Lake Microbiomes.

Author(s): Garner RE; Gregory-Eaves I; Walsh DA;

The reconstruction of ecological time series from lake sediment archives can retrace the environmental impact of human activities. Molecular genetic approaches in paleolimnology have provided unprecedented access to DNA time series, which record evidence of the microbial ecologies that underlaid historical lake ecosystems. Such studies often rely on singl ...

Article GUID: 33148818

Chaco Canyon Dig Unearths Ethical Concerns.

Author(s): Claw KG, Lippert D, Bardill J, Cordova A, Fox K, Yracheta JM, Bader AC, Bolnick DA, Malhi RS, TallBear K, Garrison NA

Hum Biol. 2017 07;89(3):177-180 Authors: Claw KG, Lippert D, Bardill J, Cordova A, Fox K, Yracheta JM, Bader AC, Bolnick DA, Malhi RS, TallBear K, Garrison NA

Article GUID: 29745246

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