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Chronic pain in children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer: the challenge of mitigating the pain and the potential of integrating exercise into pain management

Author(s): Caru M; Alberts NM; Freeman MC; Dandekar SC; Rao P; McKeone DJ; Brown VI; McGregor LM; Schmitz KH;

Background: Pain is one of the most common and distressing symptoms experienced by children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. It is vital that children and adolescents receive adequate pain management early on in their cancer treatments to mitigate pain and cancer-related symptoms. Exercise ...

Article GUID: 36952029

Behavioral, Neural, and Molecular Mechanisms of Conditioned Mate Preference: The Role of Opioids and First Experiences of Sexual Reward

Author(s): Gonzalo R Quintana

Although mechanisms of mate preference are thought to be relatively hard-wired, experience with appetitive and consummatory sexual reward has been shown to condition preferences for partner related cues and even objects that predict sexual reward. Here, we reviewed evidence from laboratory species and humans on sexually conditioned place, partner, and eja ...

Article GUID: 36012194

Neural substrates of appetitive and aversive prediction error.

Author(s): Iordanova MD, Yau JO, McDannald MA, Corbit LH

Prediction error, defined by the discrepancy between real and expected outcomes, lies at the core of associative learning. Behavioural investigations have provided evidence that prediction error up- and down-regulates associative relationships, and allocates attention to stimuli to enable learning. These behavioural advances have recently been followed by ...

Article GUID: 33453307

Differential disruption of conditioned ejaculatory preference in the male rat based on different sensory modalities by micro-infusions of naloxone to the medial preoptic area or ventral tegmental area.

Author(s): Quintana GR, Birrel M, Marceau S, Kalantari N, Bowden J, Bachoura Y, Borduas E, Lemay V, Payne JW, Cionnaith CM, Pfaus JG

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2019 Jul 29;: Authors: Quintana GR, Birrel M, Marceau S, Kalantari N, Bowden J, Bachoura Y, Borduas E, Lemay V, Payne JW, Cionnaith CM, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 31359118

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