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Impact of Stimulation Frequency on Verbal Fluency Following Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease

Author(s): Busteed L; García-Sánchez C; Pascual-Sedano B; Grunden N; Gironell A; Kulisevsky J; Pagonabarraga J;

Objective: The effects of stimulation frequency on verbal fluency (VF) following subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) in Parkinson's disease (PD) are not well understood. The present study examines the impact stimulation frequency has on VF following bilateral STN-DBS in PD. ...

Article GUID: 39127889

Systematic review of seizure-onset patterns in stereo-electroencephalography: Current state and future directions

Author(s): Abdallah C; Mansilla D; Minato E; Grova C; Beniczky S; Frauscher B;

Objective: Increasing evidence suggests that the seizure-onset pattern (SOP) in stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG) is important for localizing the "true" seizure onset. Specifically, SOPs with low-voltage fast activity (LVFA) are associated with seizure-free outcome (Engel I). However, several classifications and various terms corresponding to the same ...

Article GUID: 38733701

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