Author(s): Sun P; Hu ZC; Sun W;
Let a, ß be positive real numbers and let Xα ,β be a Gamma random variable with shape parameter a and scale parameter ß. We study infimum values of the function (α ,β )↦ P{Xα ,β ≤ κ E[Xα ,β ]} for any fixed κ >0 and the function (α ,β )↦ P{|Xα ,β -E[Xα ,β ]| ...
Article GUID: 38261930
Author(s): Perveen S; Akram M; Nasar A; Arshad-Ayaz A; Naseem A;
This study explores the mechanism for timely and equitable distribution of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination among the various communities in Pakistan. It examines the factors that support and/or impede peoples' access and response towards COVID-19 vaccination in Pakistan. The study uses a literature synthesis approach to examine and ana ...
Article GUID: 34217150
Author(s): Grenier A, Hatzifilalithis S, Laliberte-Rudman D, Kobayashi K, Marier P, Phillipson C
Gerontologist. 2019 Nov 01;: Authors: Grenier A, Hatzifilalithis S, Laliberte-Rudman D, Kobayashi K, Marier P, Phillipson C
Article GUID: 31675418
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