Author(s): DeGrace S; Romero-Sanchiz P; Tibbo P; Barrett S; Arenella P; Cosman T; Atasoy P; Cousijn J; Wiers R; Keough MT; Yakovenko I; O' Connor R; Wardell J; Rudnick A; Nicholas Carleton R; Heber A; Stewart SH;
Trauma cue-elicited activation of automatic cannabis-related cognitive biases are theorized to contribute to comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and cannabis use disorder. This phenomenon can be studied experimentally by combining the trauma cue reactivity paradigm (CRP) with cannabis-related ...
Article GUID: 37625353
Author(s): Cofresà RU, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA, Lee HJ
The ability of environmental cues to trigger alcohol-seeking behaviors is believed to facilitate problematic alcohol use. We previously showed that the development of this cue-evoked alcohol approach reflects cue-alcohol learning and memory in the adult male rat; however, we do not know whether the same is true for similarly aged female rats. Consequently ...
Article GUID: 31002878
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