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Pushed to the edge: Spatial sorting can slow down invasions

Author(s): Shaw AK; Lutscher F; Popovic L;

Our ability to understand population spread dynamics is complicated by rapid evolution, which renders simple ecological models insufficient. If dispersal ability evolves, more highly dispersive individuals may arrive at the population edge than less dispersive individuals (spatial sorting), accelerating spread. If individuals at the low-density population ...

Article GUID: 37198882

Cryptic eco-evolutionary feedback in the city

Author(s): Carly D Ziter

Research Highlight: Brans, K. I., Tüzün, N., Sentis, A., De Meester, L., & Stoks, R. (2021). Cryptic eco-evolutionary feedback in the city: Urban evolution of prey dampens the effect of urban evolution of the predator. Journal of Animal Ecology. Despite the strength and ubiquity of urban stressors on multiple t ...

Article GUID: 35238028

Foundations of Erobotics.

Author(s): Dubé S, Anctil D

Technology is giving rise to artificial erotic agents, which we call erobots (erôs?+?bot). Erobots, such as virtual or augmented partners, erotic chatbots, and sex robots, increasingly expose humans to the possibility of intimacy and sexuality with artificial agents. Their advent has sparked academic and public debates: some denounce their risks (e.g., pr ...

Article GUID: 33133302

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