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EXPRESS: Strawman Argument Characterizes Critique of Kamin Blocking Effect

Author(s): Peter Seraganian

This commentary focuses upon the robustness of the Kamin Blocking Effect (KBE) that Maes et al., (2016), based upon 15 failures to replicate, have questioned. This challenge to KBE robustness has not gone unaddressed. Soto (2018) outlined conceptual as well as methodological issues that cast doubt on the validity of the Maes et al., (2016) critique. Despi ...

Article GUID: 35593686

Transcriptome-Wide Off-Target Effects of Steric-Blocking Oligonucleotides

Author(s): Holgersen EM; Gandhi S; Zhou Y; Kim J; Vaz B; Bogojeski J; Bugno M; Shalev Z; Cheung-Ong K; Gonçalves J; O' Hara M; Kron K; Verby M; Sun M; Kakaradov B; Delong A; Merico D; Deshwar AG;

Steric-blocking oligonucleotides (SBOs) are short, single-stranded nucleic acids designed to modulate gene expression by binding to RNA transcripts and blocking access from cellular machinery such as splicing factors. SBOs have the potential to bind to near-complementary sites in the transcriptom ...

Article GUID: 34388351

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