Author(s): Joyce BJ; Brown GE;
Neuroplasticity enables teleosts to promote or downregulate the growth of their brains regionally. To compensate for the effects of predation pressure, teleosts may alter their brain morphology and behavioral responses to mitigate its impact on individual fitness. High-predation environments often promote specific patterns of brain growth and produce bold ...
Article GUID: 37876646
Author(s): Joyce BJ, Brown GE
J Fish Biol. 2020 May 23;: Authors: Joyce BJ, Brown GE
Article GUID: 32447778
Author(s): Pinsard B, Boutin A, Doyon J, Benali H
Front Neurosci. 2018;12:268 Authors: Pinsard B, Boutin A, Doyon J, Benali H
Article GUID: 29755312
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