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Taking stock of the past: A psychometric evaluation of the Autobiographical Interview

Author(s): Lockrow AW; Setton R; Spreng KAP; Sheldon S; Turner GR; Spreng RN;

Autobiographical memory (AM) involves a rich phenomenological re-experiencing of a spatio-temporal event from the past, which is challenging to objectively quantify. The Autobiographical Interview (AI; Levine et al. Psychology and Aging, 17(4), 677-689, 2002) is a manualized performance-based assessment designed to quantify episodic (internal) and semanti ...

Article GUID: 36944860

Depressive Symptoms and Social Context Modulate Oxytocin's Effect on Negative Memory Recall

Author(s): Wong SF; Cardoso C; Orlando MA; Brown CA; Ellenbogen MA;

Oxytocin promotes social affiliation across various species, in part by altering social cognition to facilitate approach behaviour. However, the effects of intranasal oxytocin on human social cognition are mixed, perhaps because its effects are context-dependent and subject to inter-individual differences. Few studies have included explicit manipulations ...

Article GUID: 34100542

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