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Modeling hormonal contraception in female rats: a framework for studies in behavioral neurobiology

Author(s): Lacasse JM; Gomez-Perales E; Brake WG;

Research on hormonal contraceptives (HC) in animal models is lacking, and as a result, so is our understanding of the impact of HC on the brain and behavior. Here, we provide a review of the pharmacology of HC, as well as the methodology and best practices for designing a model of HC in female rats. We outline specific methodological considerations regard ...

Article GUID: 35952797

Thermoregulatory significance of immobility in the forced swim test

Author(s): Nadeau BG; Marchant EG; Amir S; Mistlberger RE;

The forced swim test (FST) is a widely used animal model of depression and antidepressant drug screen. Rats are forced to swim on two test days in a restricted space from which there is no escape. On the first test day the rats attempt to escape and then become largely immobile; on the second test day the onset of immobility is more rapid. Immobility is s ...

Article GUID: 35065081

Drug discovery and chemical probing in Drosophila.

Author(s): Millet-Boureima C, Selber-Hnatiw S, Gamberi C

Genome. 2020 Jun 18;: Authors: Millet-Boureima C, Selber-Hnatiw S, Gamberi C

Article GUID: 32551911

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