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A guide to exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and bifactor-ESEM in body image research

Author(s): Swami V; Maïano C; Morin AJS;

Traditionally, assessments of factor validity of body image instruments have relied on exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis. However, the emergence of exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), a resurgence of interest in bifactor models, and the ability to combine both models (bifactor-ESEM) is beginning to shape the future of body image res ...

Article GUID: 39492241

AAT4IRS: automated acceptance testing for industrial robotic systems

Author(s): Dos Santos MG; Hallé S; Petrillo F; Guéhéneuc YG;

Industrial robotic systems (IRS) consist of industrial robots that automate industrial processes. They accurately perform repetitive tasks, replacing or assisting with dangerous jobs like assembly in the automotive and chemical industries. Failures in these systems can be catastrophic, so it is important to ensure their quality and safety before using the ...

Article GUID: 39420929

A randomized controlled trial of an acceptance-based, insight-inducing medication adherence therapy (AIM-AT) for adults with early-stage psychosis

Author(s): Chien WT; Chong YY; Bressington D; McMaster CW;

This study aimed to test the effectiveness of an acceptance-based medication adherence intervention for people with early-stage psychosis. An assessor-blind, three-arm randomized controlled trial design was used. One hundred and twenty-six participants who were adults with =3 years of psychosis were recruited from four district Integrated Community Center ...

Article GUID: 38908265

Ending the Pandemic: How Behavioural Science Can Help Optimize Global COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake

Author(s): Vallis M; Bacon S; Corace K; Joyal-Desmarais K; Sheinfeld Gorin S; Paduano S; Presseau J; Rash J; Mengistu Yohannes A; Lavoie K;

Governments, public health officials and pharmaceutical companies have all mobilized resources to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns, social distancing, and personal protective behaviours have been helpful but have shut down economies and disrupted normal activities. Vaccinations protect po ...

Article GUID: 35062668

Gender is Key: Girls' and Boys' Cortisol Differs as a Factor of Socioeconomic Status and Social Experiences During Early Adolescence.

Author(s): Wright L, Bukowski WM

The risks associated with negative peer relationships and low socioeconomic status (SES), and how they impact diurnal cortisol and the cortisol response to negative experiences, have never been studied together in early adolescents; this study aims to fill this gap in the literature. Saliva was collected from 95 early adolescents (Mage?=?10.80, SD?=?0.72) ...

Article GUID: 33515375

Affective Game Planning for Health Applications: Quantitative Extension of Gerontoludic Design Based on the Appraisal Theory of Stress and Coping.

Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N, De Schutter B

JMIR Serious Games. 2019 Jun 06;7(2):e13303 Authors: Khalili-Mahani N, De Schutter B

Article GUID: 31172966

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