Author(s): Yalman A; Jafari A; Léger É; Mastroianni MA; Teimouri K; Savoji H; Collins DL; Kadem L; Xiao Y;
Background: Physical vascular phantoms are instrumental in studying intracranial aneurysms and testing relevant imaging tools and training systems to provide improved clinical care. Current vascular phantom production methods have major limitations in capturing the biophysical and morphological c ...
Article GUID: 39546636
Author(s): Wells KC; Kharma N; Jaunky BB; Nie K; Aguiar-Tawil G; Berry D;
Liquid handler systems can provide significant benefits to researchers by automating laboratory work, however, their unaffordable price provides a steep barrier to entry. Therefore, we provide the BioCloneBot, a versatile, low-cost, and open-source automated liquid handler. This system can be easily built with 3D-printed parts and readily available commer ...
Article GUID: 38524156
Author(s): Vanaei HR; Magri AE; Rastak MA; Vanaei S; Vaudreuil S; Tcharkhtchi A;
Despite the application of the Additive Manufacturing process and the ability of parts' construction directly from a 3D model, particular attention should be taken into account to improve their mechanical characteristics. In this paper, we present the effect of individual process variables and the strain-rate sensitivity of Onyx (Nylon mixed with chop ...
Article GUID: 36556527
Author(s): Fayed EM, Shahriari D, Saadati M, Brailovski V, Jahazi M, Medraj M
Materials (Basel). 2020 Jun 05;13(11): Authors: Fayed EM, Shahriari D, Saadati M, Brailovski V, Jahazi M, Medraj M
Article GUID: 32516909
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