Author(s): He S; Singh D; Helfield B;
Gene therapy targeting ischemic heart disease is a promising therapeutic avenue, but it is mostly restricted to viral-based delivery approaches which are limited due to off-target immunological responses. Focused ultrasound presents a non-viral, image-guided technique in which circulating intravascular microbubble contrast agents can reversibly enhance va ...
Article GUID: 39850318
Author(s): Canales Gálvez XA; Richezzi M; Bicalho HA; Labadie N; Pellegrinet SC; Titi HM; Howarth AJ;
Three new analogues of Tb-UiO-66 with various functional groups (-F, -Br, -NH2) on the terephthalic acid linker of the metal-organic framework (MOF) are synthesized and characterized. The photoluminescent properties of these analogues, as well as Tb-UiO-66 and Tb-UiO-66-(OH)2, are studied and cor ...
Article GUID: 39849977
Author(s): Fridgen CPEA; Radomsky AS;
Background and objectives: Beliefs about losing control over one's thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and/or bodily functions have been shown to cause obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The cognitive model of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suggests that catastrophic misappraisals of intrusions will lessen if underlying maladaptive beliefs are effectivel ...
Article GUID: 39837217
Author(s): Chowdhury FR; Mercado LD; Kharitonov K; Findlay BL;
The rise of antimicrobial resistance as a global health concern has led to a strong interest in compounds able to inhibit the growth of bacteria without detectable levels of resistance evolution. A number of these compounds have been reported in recent years, including the tridecaptins, a small family of lipopeptides typified by the synthetic analogue oct ...
Article GUID: 39832423
Author(s): Linte CA; Yaniv Z; Chen E; Drouin S; Kersten-Oertel M; McLeod J; Sarikaya D; Wang J;
No abstract available
Article GUID: 39834896
Author(s): Jodaeeasl N; Wang S; Hu A; Peslherbe GH;
The capture of toxic chemicals such as NH3, H2S, NO2 and SO2 is essential due to the tremendous threats they pose to human health and the environment. The M-MOF-74 family of metal-organic frameworks has recently gained attention as a promising category of sorbent materials for the capture of toxic chemicals; however, no clear and comprehensive relationshi ...
Article GUID: 39829319
Author(s): Madriaza P; Hassan G; Brouillette-Alarie S; Mounchingam AN; Durocher-Corfa L; Borokhovski E; Pickup D; Paillé S;
The problem: People use social media platforms to chat, search, and share information, express their opinions, and connect with others. But these platforms also facilitate the posting of divisive, harmful, and hateful messages, targeting groups and individuals, based on their race, religion, gend ...
Article GUID: 39822240
Author(s): DiPasquale S; Roberts M;
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine if integrative dance classes have the potential to improve the postural stability in individuals with intellectual disability.Methods: A quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest research design was used to assess changes in postural stability of 16 individuals with intellectual disability. Postural stability w ...
Article GUID: 39818618
Author(s): Asadi Z; Castillo JP; Asadi M; Sinclair DS; Kersten-Oertel M;
Global disparities in neurosurgical care necessitate innovations addressing affordability and accuracy, particularly for critical procedures like ventriculostomy. This intervention, vital for managing life-threatening intracranial pressure increases, is associated with catheter misplacement rates exceeding 30% when using a freehand technique. Such misplac ...
Article GUID: 39816703
Author(s): Machard A; Salvati A; P Tootkaboni M; Gaur A; Zou J; Wang LL; Baba F; Ge H; Bre F; Bozonnet E; Corrado V; Luo X; Levinson R; Lee SH; Hong T; Salles Olinger M; Machado RMES; da Guarda ELA; Veiga RK; Lamberts R; Afshari A; Ramon D; Ngoc Dung Ngo H; Sengupta A; Breesch H; Heijmans N; Deltour J; Kubo ...
No abstract available
Article GUID: 39814748
Author(s): Meade O; Aehlig L; O' Brien M; Lawless A; McSharry J; Dragomir A; Hart JK; Keyworth C; Lavoie KL; Byrne M;
Objectives: Behaviour change interventions offered opportunistically by healthcare professionals can support patient health behaviour change. The Making Every Contact Count (MECC) programme in Ireland is a national programme to support healthcare professionals to use brief behavioural interventio ...
Article GUID: 39815763
Author(s): Yousefi R; Bacon SL; Boucher VG; Acosta PFC; O' Neill J; González-González M; Raymond FC; Lorencatto F;
This is a qualitative systematic review in which we investigated barriers and enablers influencing dietary behavior change after metabolic bariatric surgery (MBS). Database searches retrieved publications reporting perceived factors influencing dietary behavior change post-MBS. Data (quotes, surv ...
Article GUID: 39815453