Author(s): Savard AC; Kairouz S; Nadeau-Tremblay J; Brodeur M; Ferland F; French M; Morvannou A; Blanchette-Martin N; Dufour M; VanMourik V; Monson E;
The gambling landscape was profoundly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to an increase in online gambling participation. This growth raises concerns about the potential harms associated with online gambling. This qualitative study aims to understand the lived experiences of gamblers whos ...
Article GUID: 39115755
Author(s): Côté M; Dufour M; Tremblay J;
Gambling's impact on a couple's relationship is an essential element in the gambling disorder (GD). Gamblers tend to lie to their partner to conceal the extent of their gambling problems and debts, which can lead to a serious relational transgression for the couple. One promising avenue is a couple treatment focusing on forgiveness processes. The ...
Article GUID: 35698442
Author(s): Ferland F; Blanchette-Martin N; Côté M; Tremblay J; Kairouz S; Nadeau L; Savard AC; L' Espérance N; Dufour M;
Consequences experienced by the partners of individuals with a gambling disorder are well documented. However, little is known about the deleterious effects experienced by other people than partners of gamblers. A better understanding of these consequences could help improve clinical practices. T ...
Article GUID: 34286413
Author(s): Moxley-Kelly N, Ouimet MC, Dongier M, Chanut F, Tremblay J, Marcantoni W, Brown TG
Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2019 Feb;43(2):324-333 Authors: Moxley-Kelly N, Ouimet MC, Dongier M, Chanut F, Tremblay J, Marcantoni W, Brown TG
Article GUID: 30536575
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