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Psychometric Validation of the Gambling Craving Scale in a Treatment-Seeking Sample

Author(s): Battaglia AM; Vedelago L; Coelho SG; Baumgartner C; Schaub MP; Stewart SH; MacKillop J; Hodgins DC; Wardell JD; O' Connor RM; Kim HS; Keough MT;

The Gambling Craving Scale (GACS) is a multifaceted measure of gambling craving. Initial validation work by Young and Wohl (2009) in university student samples showed that the GACS had a three-factor structure capturing dimensions of Desire, Anticipation, and Relief. Despite its potential clinica ...

Article GUID: 38700740

Do trauma cue exposure and/or PTSD symptom severity intensify selective approach bias toward cannabis cues in regular cannabis users with trauma histories?

Author(s): DeGrace S; Romero-Sanchiz P; Tibbo P; Barrett S; Arenella P; Cosman T; Atasoy P; Cousijn J; Wiers R; Keough MT; Yakovenko I; O' Connor R; Wardell J; Rudnick A; Nicholas Carleton R; Heber A; Stewart SH;

Trauma cue-elicited activation of automatic cannabis-related cognitive biases are theorized to contribute to comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and cannabis use disorder. This phenomenon can be studied experimentally by combining the trauma cue reactivity paradigm (CRP) with cannabis-related ...

Article GUID: 37625353

Coping and Conformity Motives Mediate the Joint Effects of the Behavioral Inhibition and Approach Systems on Alcohol Problems in Young Adults

Author(s): Morris V; Keough MT; Stewart SH; O' Connor RM;

i>Background: Gray's original Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) posits that an oversensitive behavioral inhibition system (BIS) may increase risk for negative-reinforcement-motivated drinking, given its role in anxiety. However, existing data provides mixed support for the BIS-alcohol use association. The inconsistent evidence is not surprising, ...

Article GUID: 36943012

Trauma-informed Approaches to Substance Use Interventions with Indigenous Peoples: A Scoping Review

Author(s): Pride T; Lam A; Swansburg J; Seno M; Lowe MB; Bomfim E; Toombs E; Marsan S; LoRusso J; Roy J; Gurr E; LaFontaine J; Paul J; Burack JA; Mushquash C; Stewart SH; Wendt DC;

Indigenous Peoples experience disproportionately higher rates of problematic substance use. These problems are situated in a context of individual and intergenerational trauma from colonization, residential schools, and racist and discriminatory practices, policies, and services. Therefore, subst ...

Article GUID: 34895091

Retrospective and prospective assessments of gambling-related behaviors across the female menstrual cycle.

Author(s): Joyce KM, Hudson A, O'Connor RM, Goldstein AL, Ellery M, McGrath DS, Perrot TS, Stewart SH

J Behav Addict. 2019 Mar 01;8(1):135-145 Authors: Joyce KM, Hudson A, O'Connor RM, Goldstein AL, Ellery M, McGrath DS, Perrot TS, Stewart SH

Article GUID: 30632377

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