Author(s): Chan-Thim E, Dumont M, Rizk AK, Parwanta Z, Pepin V, Moullec G
Rehabil Nurs. 2017 Jul/Aug;42(4):210-215 Authors: Chan-Thim E, Dumont M, Rizk AK, Parwanta Z, Pepin V, Moullec G
Article GUID: 27229890
Author(s): Parwanta Z, Chan-Thim E, Moullec G, Pepin V
Diurnal Physical Activity Patterns in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2018 Sep;38(5):E9-E11
Authors: Parwanta Z, Chan-Thim E, Moullec G, Pepin V
PURPOSE: People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have reduced physical activity (PA) levels compared wi ...
Article GUID: 30138214
Author(s): Cox NS, Pepin V, Burge AT, Hill CJ, Lee AL, Bondarenko J, Moore R, Nicolson C, Lahham A, Parwanta Z, McDonald CF, Holland AE
COPD. 2019 Feb;16(1):25-29 Authors: Cox NS, Pepin V, Burge AT, Hill CJ, Lee AL, Bondarenko J, Moore R, Nicolson C, Lahham A, Parwanta Z, McDonald CF, Holland AE
Article GUID: 30884984
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