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Prospective Impact of Psychiatric Disorders on Employment Status and Health Care Use in Patients Investigated for Occupational Asthma.

Author(s): Lavoie KL, Favreau H, Paine NJ, Lemière C, Joseph M, Gagnon-Chauvin A, Cartier A, Bacon SL

J Occup Environ Med. 2016 12;58(12):1196-1201 Authors: Lavoie KL, Favreau H, Paine NJ, Lemière C, Joseph M, Gagnon-Chauvin A, Cartier A, Bacon SL

Article GUID: 27930478

Positive and Negative Affect Is Related to Experiencing Chest Pain During Exercise-Induced Myocardial Ischemia.

Author(s): Stébenne P, Bacon SL, Austin A, Paine NJ, Arsenault A, Laurin C, Meloche B, Gordon J, Dupuis J, Lavoie KL

Psychosom Med. 2017 May;79(4):395-403 Authors: Stébenne P, Bacon SL, Austin A, Paine NJ, Arsenault A, Laurin C, Meloche B, Gordon J, Dupuis J, Lavoie KL

Article GUID: 28009652

Impact of Panic Attacks on Bronchoconstriction and Subjective Distress in Asthma Patients With and Without Panic Disorder.

Author(s): Boudreau M, Bacon SL, Paine NJ, Cartier A, Trutschnigg B, Morizio A, Lavoie KL

Psychosom Med. 2017 Jun;79(5):576-584 Authors: Boudreau M, Bacon SL, Paine NJ, Cartier A, Trutschnigg B, Morizio A, Lavoie KL

Article GUID: 28033197

Relationship between antidepressant therapy and risk for cardiovascular events in patients with and without cardiovascular disease.

Author(s): Lavoie KL, Paine NJ, Pelletier R, Arsenault A, Diodati JG, Campbell TS, Pilote L, Bacon SL

Health Psychol. 2018 Nov;37(11):989-999 Authors: Lavoie KL, Paine NJ, Pelletier R, Arsenault A, Diodati JG, Campbell TS, Pilote L, Bacon SL

Article GUID: 30247064

Psychological distress is related to poor health behaviours in COPD and non-COPD patients: Evidence from the CanCOLD study.

Author(s): Paine NJ, Bacon SL, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Lavoie KL, CanCOLD Study Investigators, Aaron SD, Chapman KR, FitzGerald JM, Hernandez P, Marciniuk DD, Maltais F, O'Donnell DE, Sin D, Walker BL, Canadian Respiratory Research Network and teh ...

Respir Med. 2019 Jan;146:1-9 Authors: Paine NJ, Bacon SL, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Lavoie KL, CanCOLD Study Investigators, Aaron SD, Chapman KR, FitzGerald JM, Hernandez P, Marciniuk DD, Maltais F, O'Donnell DE, Sin D, Walker BL, Canadian Respiratory Research Network and teh CanCOLD Collaborative ...

Article GUID: 30665505

Association Between Depression, Lung Function and Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Asthma and Occupational Asthma.

Author(s): Paine NJ, Joseph MF, Bacon SL, Julien CA, Cartier A, Ditto B, Favreau H, Lavoie KL

J Occup Environ Med. 2019 Mar 01;: Authors: Paine NJ, Joseph MF, Bacon SL, Julien CA, Cartier A, Ditto B, Favreau H, Lavoie KL

Article GUID: 30855523

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