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Combined effects of the contraceptive hormones, ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel, on the use of place and response memory in gonadally-intact female rats

Author(s): Lacasse JM; Boulos V; Fisher C; Hamilton S; Heron M; Mac Cionnaith CE; Peronace V; Tito N; Brake WG;

During maze navigation rats can rely on hippocampus-mediated place memory or striatum-mediated response memory. Ovarian hormones bias whether females use place or response memory to reach a reward. Here, we investigated the impact of the contraceptive hormones, ethinyl estradiol (EE) and levonorg ...

Article GUID: 36403510

Modeling hormonal contraception in female rats: a framework for studies in behavioral neurobiology

Author(s): Lacasse JM; Gomez-Perales E; Brake WG;

Research on hormonal contraceptives (HC) in animal models is lacking, and as a result, so is our understanding of the impact of HC on the brain and behavior. Here, we provide a review of the pharmacology of HC, as well as the methodology and best practices for designing a model of HC in female rats. We outline specific methodological considerations regard ...

Article GUID: 35952797

Progesterone rapidly alters the use of place and response memory during spatial navigation in female rats

Author(s): Lacasse JM; Patel S; Bailey A; Peronace V; Brake WG;

17ß-Estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) influence place and response memory in female rats in spatial navigation tasks. Use of these memory systems is associated with the hippocampus and the dorsal striatum, respectively. Injections of E2 result in a well-established bias to use place memory, while much less is understood about the role of P. A total of 1 ...

Article GUID: 35158200

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