Author(s): Firas Sedki
Food restriction augments drug seeking in abstinent rats. The underlying motivational mechanisms, however, remain unclear. We hypothesized that caloric restriction enhances the incentive value attributed to drug-associated cues and, in turn, augments drug seeking. Male rats were trained to lever-press for heroin, and then moved to the animal colony for a ...
Article GUID: 37714221
Author(s): Paul KI; Mueller K; Rousseau PN; Glathe A; Taatgen NA; Cnossen F; Lanzer P; Villringer A; Steele CJ;
Performing endovascular medical interventions safely and efficiently requires a diverse set of skills that need to be practised in dedicated training sessions. Here, we used multimodal magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to determine the structural and functional plasticity and core skills associated ...
Article GUID: 36529202
Author(s): Santangelo JS; Ness RW; Cohan B; Fitzpatrick CR; Innes SG; Koch S; Miles LS; Munim S; Peres-Neto PR; Prashad C; Tong AT; Aguirre WE; Akinwole PO; Alberti M; Álvarez J; Anderson JT; Anderson JJ; Ando Y; Andrew NR; Angeoletto F; Anstett DN ...
Urbanization transforms environments in ways that alter biological evolution. We examined whether urban environmental change drives parallel evolution by sampling 110,019 white clover plants from 6169 populations in 160 cities globally. Plants were assayed for a Mendelian antiherbivore defense th ...
Article GUID: 35298255
Author(s): Paul KI; Glathe A; Taatgen NA; Steele CJ; Villringer A; Lanzer P; Cnossen F;
Due to the increasing complexity of diseases in the aging population and rapid progress in catheter-based technology, the demands on operators' skills in conducting endovascular interventions (EI) has increased dramatically, putting more emphasis on training. However, it is not well understood which factors influence learning and performance. In the p ...
Article GUID: 34789742
Author(s): Selber-Hnatiw S, Sultana T, Tse W, Abdollahi N, Abdullah S, Al Rahbani J, Alazar D, Alrumhein NJ, Aprikian S, Arshad R, Azuelos JD, Bernadotte D, Beswick N, Chazbey H, Church K, Ciubotaru E, D'Amato L, Del Corpo T, Deng J, Di Giulio ...
Metabolic networks of the human gut microbiota.
Microbiology. 2019 Dec 04;:
Authors: Selber-Hnatiw S, Sultana T, Tse W, Abdollahi N, Abdullah S, Al Rahbani J, Alazar D, Alrumhein NJ, Aprikian S, Arshad R, Azuelos JD, Bernadotte D, Beswick N, Chazbey H, Church K, Ciubotaru E, D ...
Article GUID: 31799915
Author(s): Bherer L, Erickson KI, Liu-Ambrose T
J Aging Res. 2013;2013:657508 Authors: Bherer L, Erickson KI, Liu-Ambrose T
Article GUID: 24102028
Author(s): Bherer L, Erickson KI, Liu-Ambrose T
J Aging Res. 2013;2013:197326 Authors: Bherer L, Erickson KI, Liu-Ambrose T PMID: 24163767 [PubMed]
Article GUID: 24163767
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