Author(s): de Almeida RG, Mobayyen F, Antal C, Kehayia E, Nair VP, Schwartz G
We investigated the representation and breakdown of verb knowledge employing different syntactic and semantic classes of verbs in a group of individuals with probable Alzheimer's Disease (pAD). In an action naming task with coloured photographs (Fiez & Tranel, 1997. Standardized stimuli and procedures for investigating the retrieval of lexical and ...
Article GUID: 33455543
Author(s): Esmail A, Poncet F, Auger C, Rochette A, Dahan-Oliel N, Labbé D, Kehayia E, Billebaud C, de Guise É, Lessard I, Ducharme I, Vermeersch O, Swaine B
Appl Ergon. 2020 May;85:103058 Authors: Esmail A, Poncet F, Auger C, Rochette A, Dahan-Oliel N, Labbé D, Kehayia E, Billebaud C, de Guise É, Lessard I, Ducharme I, Vermeersch O, Swaine B
Article GUID: 32174346
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