Author(s): Doucerain MM; Amiot CE; Jurcik T; Ryder AG;
A focal point in the acculturation literature is the so-called "integration hypothesis," whereby integration (high mainstream cultural engagement and heritage cultural maintenance) is associated with higher psychosocial adjustment, compared to other strategies. Yet, the vast majority of this literature is cross-sectional, raising questions about how best ...
Article GUID: 38031873
Author(s): Jurcik T, Sunohara M, Yakobov E, Solopieiva-Jurcikova I, Ahmed R, Ryder AG
J Community Psychol. 2019 Apr 13;: Authors: Jurcik T, Sunohara M, Yakobov E, Solopieiva-Jurcikova I, Ahmed R, Ryder AG
Article GUID: 30981217
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