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The need for exercise sciences and an integrated response to COVID-19: A position statement from the international HL-PIVOT network.

Author(s): Faghy MA, Arena R, Stoner L, Haraf RH, Josephson R, Hills AP, Dixit S, Popovic D, Smith A, Myers J, Bacon SL, Niebauer J, Dourado VZ, Babu AS, Maden-Wilkinson TM, Copeland RJ, Gough LA, Bond S, Stuart K, Bewick T, Ashton REM, HL-PIVOT Ne ...

COVID-19 is one of the biggest health crises that the world has seen. Whilst measures to abate transmission and infection are ongoing, there continues to be growing numbers of patients requiring chronic support, which is already putting a strain on health care systems around the world and which m ...

Article GUID: 33549590

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