Author(s): Paré-Ruel MP; Stack DM; Hastings PD; Serbin LA;
This study investigated specialized and versatile antisocial patterns in preschoolers and examined the link between these patterns and the risk of developing chronic antisocial behaviors throughout childhood. A total of 556 children (50.6% boys, 88% White) participated in this three-wave longitudinal study at 3-5, 6-8, and 10-12 years old. A latent transi ...
Article GUID: 38153212
Author(s): Hastings PD, Sullivan C, McShane KE, Coplan RJ, Utendale WT, Vyncke JD
Child Dev. 2008 Jan-Feb;79(1):45-64 Authors: Hastings PD, Sullivan C, McShane KE, Coplan RJ, Utendale WT, Vyncke JD
Article GUID: 18269508
Author(s): Utendale WT, Hubert M, Saint-Pierre AB, Hastings PD
Aggress Behav. 2011 Sep-Oct;37(5):476-88 Authors: Utendale WT, Hubert M, Saint-Pierre AB, Hastings PD
Article GUID: 21721014
Author(s): Poulin-Dubois D, Hastings PD, Chiarella SS, Geangu E, Hauf P, Ruel A, Johnson A
PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0208524 Authors: Poulin-Dubois D, Hastings PD, Chiarella SS, Geangu E, Hauf P, Ruel A, Johnson A
Article GUID: 30521593
Author(s): Hastings PD; Serbin LA; Bukowski W; Helm JL; Stack DM; Dickson DJ; Ledingham JE; Schwartzman AE;
Research showing that risk for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder with psychosis, and other psychosis-spectrum diagnoses in adulthood is multidetermined has underscored the necessity of studying the additive and interactive factors in childhood that precede and predict future disorders. In this stud ...
Article GUID: 31014409
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