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Autobiographical memory specificity predicts social problem-solving ability in old and young adults.

Author(s): Beaman A, Pushkar D, Etezadi S, Bye D, Conway M

Q J Exp Psychol (Hove). 2007 Sep;60(9):1275-88 Authors: Beaman A, Pushkar D, Etezadi S, Bye D, Conway M

Article GUID: 17676558

Longitudinal associations of need for cognition, cognitive activity, and depressive symptomatology with cognitive function in recent retirees.

Author(s): Baer LH, Tabri N, Blair M, Bye D, Li KZ, Pushkar D

J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2013 Sep;68(5):655-64 Authors: Baer LH, Tabri N, Blair M, Bye D, Li KZ, Pushkar D

Article GUID: 23213060

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