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Innovations and development of sustainable personal protective equipment: a path to a greener future

Author(s): Lyu L; Bagchi M; Markoglou N; An C;

The unprecedented surge in the demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) worldwide during the covid pandemic resulted in a significant increase in PPE consumption and subsequent waste generation. Despite the importance of PPE, its widespread usage and disposal have sparked worries about the environmental impact and its long-term sustainability. The i ...

Article GUID: 38911061

Towards environmentally sustainable management: A review on the generation, degradation, and recycling of polypropylene face mask waste

Author(s): Lyu L; Bagchi M; Markoglou N; An C; Peng H; Bi H; Yang X; Sun H;

There has been a considerable increase in the use of face masks in the past years. Managing face mask waste has become a global concern, as the current waste management system is insufficient to deal with such a large quantity of solid waste. The drastic increase in quantity, along with the material's inability to degrade plastic components such as po ...

Article GUID: 37742382

A cross-jurisdictional comparison on residential waste collection rates during earlier waves of COVID-19

Author(s): Mahmud TS; Ng KTW; Hasan MM; An C; Wan S;

There is currently a lack of studies on residential waste collection during COVID-19 in North America. SARIMA models were developed to predict residential waste collection rates (RWCR) across four North American jurisdictions before and during the pandemic. Unlike waste disposal rates, RWCR is relatively less sensitive to the changes in COVID-19 regulator ...

Article GUID: 37274541

Upcycling face mask wastes generated during COVID-19 into value-added engineering materials: A review

Author(s): Sina Pourebrahimi

Billions of disposable face masks (i.e., single-use masks) are used and discarded worldwide monthly due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The immethodical disposal of these polymer-based wastes containing non-biodegradable constituents (e.g., polypropylene) has provoked marked and severe damage to the ecosystem. Meanwhile, their ever-growing usage significantly s ...

Article GUID: 36055514

Construction and Demolition Waste Management Research: A Science Mapping Analysis

Author(s): Elshaboury N; Al-Sakkaf A; Mohammed Abdelkader E; Alfalah G;

Construction and demolition waste treatment has become an increasingly pressing economic, social, and environmental concern across the world. This study employs a science mapping approach to provide a thorough and systematic examination of the literature on waste management research. This study identifies the most significant journals, authors, publicatio ...

Article GUID: 35457363

Analysis of input set characteristics and variances on k-fold cross validation for a Recurrent Neural Network model on waste disposal rate estimation

Author(s): Vu HL; Ng KTW; Richter A; An C;

The use of machine learning techniques in waste management studies is increasingly popular. Recent literature suggests k-fold cross validation may reduce input dataset partition uncertainties and minimize overfitting issues. The objectives are to quantify the benefits of k-fold cross validation for municipal waste disposal prediction and to identify the r ...

Article GUID: 35287077

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