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Regional primary preadipocyte characteristics in humans with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Author(s): Plissonneau C; Santosa S;

The excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in obesity appears to result in adipose tissue dysfunction perpetuating the onset of obesity-related diseases, including type 2 diabetes (T2DM). In humans, adipose tissue is stored in several depots including subcutaneous and visceral. These depots contribute to the pathology of obesity differently owing to dif ...

Article GUID: 39553621

Natural history and determinants of dysglycemia in Canadian children with parental obesity from ages 8-10 to 15-17 years: The QUALITY cohort

Author(s): Soren Harnois-Leblanc

In children, the mechanisms implicated in deterioration of glucose homeostasis versus reversion to normal glucose tolerance (NGT) remain uncertain. We aimed to describe the natural history of dysglycemia from childhood to late adolescence and to identify its early determinants. We used baseline (8-10 years, n = 630), 1st follow-up (10-12 years, n = 564) a ...

Article GUID: 35023257

Sex differences in regional adipose tissue depots pose different threats for the development of Type 2 diabetes in males and females

Author(s): Kerri Z Delaney

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) affects males and females disproportionately. In midlife, more males have T2DM than females. The sex difference in T2DM prevalence is, in part, explained by differences in regional adipose tissue characteristics. With obesity, changes to regional adipokine and cytokine release increases the risk of T2DM in both males and fe ...

Article GUID: 34985183

Metabolic networks of the human gut microbiota.

Author(s): Selber-Hnatiw S, Sultana T, Tse W, Abdollahi N, Abdullah S, Al Rahbani J, Alazar D, Alrumhein NJ, Aprikian S, Arshad R, Azuelos JD, Bernadotte D, Beswick N, Chazbey H, Church K, Ciubotaru E, D'Amato L, Del Corpo T, Deng J, Di Giulio ...

Metabolic networks of the human gut microbiota.

Microbiology. 2019 Dec 04;:

Authors: Selber-Hnatiw S, Sultana T, Tse W, Abdollahi N, Abdullah S, Al Rahbani J, Alazar D, Alrumhein NJ, Aprikian S, Arshad R, Azuelos JD, Bernadotte D, Beswick N, Chazbey H, Church K, Ciubotaru E, D ...

Article GUID: 31799915

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