Author(s): Dunfield KA; Isler L; Chang XM; Terrizzi B; Beier J;
This research examines the proximate evaluative mechanisms underlying prosocial partner choice-based reciprocity. Across four studies we presented 855 university undergraduates (online for course credit) and 76 4- to 6-year-olds (offline at a university laboratory) with vignettes describing prosocial, social and non-social characters, and asked participan ...
Article GUID: 37035290
Author(s): Karasewich TA; Hines C; Pinheiro SGV; Buchenrieder N; Dunfield KA; Kuhlmeier VA;
Introduction: Shy children, who tend to feel anxious around others and withdraw from social interactions, are found to be less prosocial than their not-shy peers in some studies, though not in others. To examine the contexts in which shy children may be more or less likely to engage in prosocial behaviour, we compared children's willingness and abilit ...
Article GUID: 36923150
Author(s): Khoo SY, Correia V, Uhrig A
Lab Anim. 2020 Jan 10;:23677219894356 Authors: Khoo SY, Correia V, Uhrig A
Article GUID: 31924130
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