Author(s): Jourde HR; Coffey EBJ;
Sleep spindles are transient 11-16 Hz brain oscillations generated by thalamocortical circuits. Their role in memory consolidation is well established, but how they play a role in sleep continuity and protection of memory consolidation against interference is unclear. One theory posits that spindles or a neural refractory period following their offset act ...
Article GUID: 39588317
Author(s): Jourde HR; Merlo R; Brooks M; Rowe M; Coffey EBJ;
Closed-loop auditory stimulation (CLAS) is a brain modulation technique in which sounds are timed to enhance or disrupt endogenous neurophysiological events. CLAS of slow oscillation up-states in sleep is becoming a popular tool to study and enhance sleep's functions, as it increases slow oscillations, evokes sleep spindles and enhances memory consoli ...
Article GUID: 37675803
Author(s): Solomonova E, Dubé S, Blanchette-Carrière C, Sandra DA, Samson-Richer A, Carr M, Paquette T, Nielsen T
Front Psychol. 2019;10:3014 Authors: Solomonova E, Dubé S, Blanchette-Carrière C, Sandra DA, Samson-Richer A, Carr M, Paquette T, Nielsen T
Article GUID: 32038390
Author(s): Dang-Vu TT; Hatch B; Salimi A; Mograss M; Boucetta S; O' Byrne J; Brandewinder M; Berthomier C; Gouin JP;
Background: While cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia constitutes the first-line treatment for chronic insomnia, only few reports have investigated how sleep architecture relates to response to this treatment. In this pilot study, we aimed to determine whether pre-treatment sleep spindle de ...
Article GUID: 29157588
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