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Brain PET Imaging in Small Animals: Tracer Formulation, Data Acquisition, Image Reconstruction, and Data Analysis

Author(s): Bdair H; Kang MS; Ottoy J; Aliaga A; Kunach P; Singleton TA; Blinder S; Soucy JP; Leyton M; Rosa-Neto P; Kostikov A;

Positron emission tomography (PET) is a noninvasive functional imaging modality that involves in vivo detection of spatiotemporal changes in the binding of radioactive pharmaceuticals (a.k.a. PET tracers) to their target sites in different organs. The development of new PET tracers commonly invol ...

Article GUID: 38006502

Decoding of Envelope vs. Fundamental Frequency During Complex Auditory Stream Segregation

Author(s): Greenlaw KM; Puschmann S; Coffey EBJ;

Hearing-in-noise perception is a challenging task that is critical to human function, but how the brain accomplishes it is not well understood. A candidate mechanism proposes that the neural representation of an attended auditory stream is enhanced relative to background sound via a combination of bottom-up and top-down mechanisms. To date, few studies ha ...

Article GUID: 37215227

Source imaging of deep-brain activity using the regional spatiotemporal Kalman filter

Author(s): Hamid L; Habboush N; Stern P; Japaridze N; Aydin Ü; Wolters CH; Claussen JC; Heute U; Stephani U; Galka A; Siniatchkin M;

Background and objective: The human brain displays rich and complex patterns of interaction within and among brain networks that involve both cortical and subcortical brain regions. Due to the limited spatial resolution of surface electroencephalography (EEG), EEG source imaging is used to recons ...

Article GUID: 33250282

Augmented reality mastectomy surgical planning prototype using the HoloLens template for healthcare technology letters.

Author(s): Amini S, Kersten-Oertel M

Healthc Technol Lett. 2019 Dec;6(6):261-265 Authors: Amini S, Kersten-Oertel M

Article GUID: 32038868

Influence of Head Tissue Conductivity Uncertainties on EEG Dipole Reconstruction.

Author(s): Vorwerk J, Aydin Ü, Wolters CH, Butson CR

Front Neurosci. 2019;13:531 Authors: Vorwerk J, Aydin Ü, Wolters CH, Butson CR

Article GUID: 31231178

Topology and inference for Yule trees with multiple states.

Author(s): Popovic L, Rivas M

J Math Biol. 2016 11;73(5):1251-1291 Authors: Popovic L, Rivas M

Article GUID: 27009067

Zoomed MRI Guided by Combined EEG/MEG Source Analysis: A Multimodal Approach for Optimizing Presurgical Epilepsy Work-up and its Application in a Multi-focal Epilepsy Patient Case Study.

Author(s): Aydin Ü, Rampp S, Wollbrink A, Kugel H, Cho J-, Knösche TR, Grova C, Wellmer J, Wolters CH

Brain Topogr. 2017 Jul;30(4):417-433 Authors: Aydin Ü, Rampp S, Wollbrink A, Kugel H, Cho J-, Knösche TR, Grova C, Wellmer J, Wolters CH

Article GUID: 28510905

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